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Cross country

Some of our best runners were selected to compete in the Belmont Cross country.  Eight schools were invited from all over the North Yorkshire region to challenge themselves on a very tricky 2KM cross country course.  The gradient was steep, the ground was muddy, slippery and the children had to contentd with ewes and new born lambs charging around the course too! The boys set off with a blistering pace which they manage to maintain for the whole race and ended taking 1st,2nd,4th and 6th place! Which meant as a team, they finished first.  The girls put in an equally sterling effort, bouyed by the boys success, they dug in hard an came third overall in the team scores.  The children were exhausted but loved the experience and hope to defend their title next year!! 

Class 3 Dance

Spring Sport

A whole host of sports are on offer this term... 

Football club for the KS2 girls

Daily Mile for most afternoons

A full range of interschool meetings for all ages.  We have had netball, football is coming up along with a cross country. 

Our fantastic partnership with Sporting Influence brings expertise, allowing us to deliver high-end gymnsatics, dance and a range of ball skills. 

Following on from a successful sporrts meeting with Belmont Grosvenor School, we have forged som strong links and an active interschool sporting calendar has been created.  This week, Year 3 and 4 all met their Belmont counterparts and played their socks off, taking part in a Tag rugby festival.  Mr Baird and myself worked with all the children teaching some basic skills and entered into a slightly competitive game.  The sun shone, the smiles were huge and the cheeks were red at the end of it.  A big thank you to Belmont for hosting and well done everyone for their fabulous efforts. 

To end the term, the Year 6 children took the reception and Year 1 children outside and devised a series of challenges and sports that were pitched to their ability.  The children had a fabulous time using loads of equipment, making up rules, organising and coaching.  It was a great spectacle to see how caring and nurturing the Year 6 children were as they guided their groups through their challenges. 

Be Active

Sport and being active is essential- even more so in the world that we are creating for our children to grow up in.  At Birstwith, we strive to engage the children in a wide range of activites and sports that are based around the key fundamentals  - Agility, Balance and Co-ordination.  The children cover these aspects in each and every area of sport they are introduced to.  The aim give the children an experience of a wide range of sport, instill a love for being active, teach children how to follow rules and adapt rules to make the games more achievable for everyone and allow children to develop their independent sport skills as well as their group/team sport skills.  We work alongside some fabulous outside agencies to help promote excellence in sport either during normal school time or through after school clubs and competitions. We also have close links with local clubs too such as cricket and tennis. 

For further information, please do not hestiate to contact me either directly or through school admin

Many thanks, 

Richard Roy

To get you going, here are some links and challenges...

The children had a fantastic netball tournament against 4 other schools this term and it gives me great pleasure to say that Birstwith won all the games.  They played really well- as did all the other teams- and it was wonderful to see all the children mixing, laughing and enjoying the tournament.  Let's hope this is the start of a competitive year...

We have had the pleasure of Sporting Influence, the LTA and Harrogate Rugby club over the past few weeks.  It has been incredible to see the engagement in sport and watch the development in skill and agility as the time has passed.  Sporting Influence have done an incredible job providing after school sport, aimed at girls and also at our younger children.  They have also run a progressive lunchtime sports programme for our Year 6s - preparing them for their transition into secondary school.  

We all got involved in an intraschool dance competition which culminated in one team being selected to represent the school in an interschool comp.  We also ran a football tournament in school where the children organised teams and competed in a round robin tournament.  

In addition to this, the LTA returned and picked up their work with Class 3 and, Y6 had Aled Jones come in to improve their Tag rugby skills.  

Loads of great sport, lots more to come, I have just secured some extra funding so we should be getting some new equipment too!! 

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