Reading for Pleasure

We believe that a reading child is a successful child and that:
- Children deserve a rich curriculum which encourages extensive reading of books and other kinds of texts;
- Planning enables links across learning, which create a wide range of opportunities in which children can read for pleasure;
- Children will have the opportunity to experience whole books to support them in their understanding of literary structures and allow them to become absorbed in the story itself;
- The active encouragement of reading for pleasure should be a core part of every child’s educational entitlement, whatever their background or attainment. Extensive reading and exposure to a wide range of texts make a huge contribution to students’ educational achievement;
- Children will be encouraged to read texts which reflect their own heritage and that of other cultural groups;
- All children should have access to a wide range of texts in different formats and genres and support in enjoying them where necessary;
- The school will engage and support parents enabling access to a full range of reading experiences. Where this is not possible, action will be taken to provide compensatory measures which allow equality of access to all children;
- Home-school relationships will promote the importance of all adults in fostering a love of reading;
- School reading should not only be seen as synonymous with attainment and judgement as this could influence children’s perceptions of books and reading

Reading for at least 10 minutes every day is great for your child’s happiness, wellbeing and, of course, for improving their reading and writing!
Sharing a book with a child is fun! It's a time for affection, laughing and talking together – and it can also give children a head start in life and help them become lifelong readers.
Inspire everyone in your family to read every day for 10 minutes:
- Create a routine, set a specific time each day to read that works best for your family – you could be at home or out and about!
- Set a timer to help you all hit 10 minutes.
- Turn off your phone or TV so there are no distractions.
- You could pop to the library to find the perfect book, magazine or comic for you and your children.
- If you child is an independent reader, make sure you grab your favourite book to read as well to show them how important reading is to you.